C++ <Templates>
In This Article, you'll learn about templates / Generic templates in C++ how and how effective is Template in Cpp programming.
Templates are another Powerfull feature of C++.T hats allow User to write a generic Function / Class or single generic Function/class and implement that class or function with Different Variables/Data Types using Templates. or we can also say C++ templates The simple idea is to pass data type as Parameter so that we don't need to write the same code multiple-times for different data types.
Templates often used in Large length of codes.
Example: we need count() for counting numbers, Characters, String, words Etc.without using Templates user need to define count() for each separate. but with C++ Template we can define count() method as Template Method.. the all we need to just Pass different args(argument/parameter) as per requirement.
- Function Templates
Function Templates is similar to Normal Function But with Different Prefix.
Difference Between Function Templates &Function. A single Function Templates can be used with Different data types.
A regular function only works with single data types.
How to Define Function Templates.
A regular function only works with single data types.
How to Define Function Templates.
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
template <class T>
T FindMax (T a, T b) {
T result;
result = (a>b)? a : b;
return (result);
Full Example here
In above Program we declare Template function with Prefix template(keyword). and followed by
templates parameters inside <> which followed by Function declaration.In above code T is an
template function argument that accepts different Data types (int,float,etc) and class is keyword here
We can also use typename instead of a class keyword.
when, an argument of a data type is passed to someFunction(),compiler generates a new version
of someFunction() for the given Data type.
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