OS(Operating System)


Greeting every one 
Today we are going to talk about OS


  1. Introduction to OS
  2. Importance
  3. Uses
  4. Type
  5. Generation

Introduction to OS:

OS stand for Operating System.In common words OS is a piece of software that allow operator to interact with application or system software or hardware...also we can say OS act as Bridge between hardware layer and application layer.OS is an Environment where application can be executed..basically our Application needs Platform to run or act and that platform is OS.
OS is most Essential thing for computing device to Run application.

OS Handle Hardware resources:
  1. Input Devices
  2. Output Devices
  3. Storage
  4. Networks 
 Input Devices:

                 OS Manage all Hardware Input and Process it in Readable format...so user can interact with it.
for Example: reading key values for Key board or tracing mouse courser 

Output Devices :

                OS Handle all Hardware Output Displaying input  key Value or displaying image etc
for example: Monitor & Printer.

                OS manage all Hardware storage & memory operations internal or external and process it efficiently.either storing data or deploying ram to Processes
Example: SD-cards, HDD or RAM 

                OS manage Network connectivity identifying hardware connectivity type and provide better Experience to user
for Example: Ethernet cable or Bluetooth  etc

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